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Atlanta Truck Underride Accident Attorney

Truck underride accidents are extremely dangerous, often ending in catastrophic injury or death for the passenger vehicle occupant or occupants involved in the crash. Serious head and face trauma is common in such crashes. If you were involved in an Atlanta truck underride crash, you need to work with an attorney who understands the serious nature of this type of personal injury claim. Our Atlanta truck underride accident attorney here at Sawyer Injury Law will handle every aspect of the claim for you so that you can focus on recovering, getting back on your feet, and moving past this traumatic event as best as possible.

The Three Types of Truck Underride Accidents

Front Underride Accidents—In the case of tractors and some types of large trucks or other vehicles, the passenger vehicle can become wedged under the front of the larger vehicle during a head-on crash.

Side Underride Accidents—These accidents tend to occur when a truck is turning or crossing an intersection and the passenger vehicle slips underneath the side of the truck’s trailer.

Rear Underride Accidents—This occurs when a passenger vehicle slips underneath the truck’s trailer from behind. This can happen if the driver of the passenger vehicle is following too closely but can also occur if the truck stops suddenly, does not have appropriate reflective taping and lights on the rear of the trailer, or if overall visibility on the road is poor.

Common Underride Injuries

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Facial trauma and lacerations;
  • Spinal cord injuries;
  • Decapitation (fatality);
  • Fractured neck or back;
  • Fractured legs and arms;
  • Lacerations;
  • Contusions;
  • Whiplash; and
  • Soft tissue injuries such as torn or lacerated tendons.

Prevention Methods Recommended by the NHTSA

According to the Government Accountability Office, there is an easy fix to solving truck underride injuries—installing front, side, and rear guards on all trucks and tractors where a passenger vehicle could potentially become wedged underneath. Unfortunately, millions of trucks and tractors do not have sufficient guards in place, opening up the potential for serious underride injuries, including death by decapitation. In cases where the truck driver caused the crash, the trucking company should be held 100 percent liable for all of the victim’s damages. In cases where the driver caused or contributed to the crash, the trucking company can still be held partially liable if it is found that they violated federal guard laws, which require that all semi-trucks be equipped with rear guards to prevent rear-end underride deaths, according to Trucking Info.

Contact an Atlanta Truck Underride Accident Attorney Now

If you or loved ones have been involved in a traumatic truck underride accident, you likely have a serious personal injury case on your hands. Our experienced and knowledgeable Atlanta attorney at Sawyer Injury Law will work hard to ensure the trucking company is held responsible for any injuries caused by inadequate underride guards, insufficient rear lighting and reflective taping, and driver negligence. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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