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Atlanta Rear End Collision Lawyer

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of traffic crash, occurring 1.7 million times per year, according to the Washington Post. Many of these rear-enders only result in property damage, but hundreds of thousands of rear-end collisions leave victims moderately to severely injured. If you were in a rear-end collision and suffered an injury of any kind, the driver who hit you can be held financially liable for your damages.

To get started on a personal injury claim, which can pay for your medical expenses, lost wages due to disability, pain and suffering, and other damages, the Atlanta rear-end collision lawyer at Sawyer Injury Law is here to help. We handle all  types of collisions and injuries and have the knowledge, experience, and resources to win your case for maximum compensation.

The Most Common Causes of Rear End Collisions

The most common causes of rear-end collisions are:

The vast majority of rear-end collisions are caused by the following driver when they are A) tailgating, B) looking down at their phone as they approach an intersection or slow down in traffic, and do not see that the vehicle in front of them is slowing or stopping, and B) the following driver is speeding and/or switching lanes aggressively. As such, aggressive driving is a common contributing factor to many rear-end collisions. According to the NHTSA, young male drivers are the most likely to be involved in rear-end collisions due to their aggressive driving habits, though—of course—any demographic can cause such a collision.

Not All Rear End Crashes Are The Fault of the Following Driver

There is a common misconception that the following driver is always at fault for causing rear-enders. While the following driver does have an obligation to follow at a safe distance, they are not always to blame if they slam into the back of the vehicle in front of them. As such, if you were the following driver, you can still seek compensation from the at-fault driver in the following circumstances:

  • The driver in front of you intentionally caused the collision out of road rage—for example, they slammed on their brakes to “punish” you;
  • A driver from a side street failed to yield the right of way, pulling in front of you, and you did not have enough time to slow down before colliding with the rear of their vehicle
  • Another (third) driver swerved into or in front of the vehicle that was in front of you, forcing that driver to slam on the brakes;
  • The driver in front of you cut you off, making an illegal or abrupt lane change; and
  • More.

Contact an Atlanta Rear-End Collision Attorney Today

Rear-end collisions often result in whiplash, traumatic brain injury, spinal fracture or spinal cord injury, lacerations, and other broken bones. If you were hurt by another’s impatient, careless, or aggressive actions, you deserve compensation. Contact us at Sawyer Injury Law to schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta rear-end collision attorney.

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